Los tres niveles de un modelo de plataforma

The Three levels of a Plataform Model

Abril 8, 2019

In the current business context, we think more about platform-based business models, in which there is no linearity in the value chain and from where a new type of integration arises, which we called: concentric.
The platform-based business model can be represented in three levels defined by three lines: Core line, Integration line, and Exchange line.

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Ilustración de Agile

Agile: Myths and Values

Julio 18, 2018

Introduction In the few last years I have repeatedly heard people describing “Agile” as a methodology and using “Agile” and “SCRUM” as interchangeable words and concepts with no distinction between the two. Antonio de los CamposGerente de Planificación Estratégica en Bantotal www.pmla.com.uy/

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