Financial Biosphere, banking and its platforms in the era of ecosystems

Abril 22, 2024

El entorno Financiero actual se caracteriza por un conjunto de ecosistemas en los que se desarrollan interacciones, basadas en plataformas, que utilizan tecnologías para conectar personas, empresas y recursos, co-creando e intercambiando valor. Esto plantea importantes oportunidades para las Instituciones Financieras y la necesidad de Plataformas Bancarias que cuenten con una serie de capacidades específicas para que estas puedan elegir el modelo de negocio que quieren desarrollar, en este nuevo contexto. En el siguiente artículo denominado Biósfera Financiera, la banca y sus plataformas en la era de los ecosistemas, se presenta un modelo sobre el nuevo entorno de negocio con sus características, actores, roles e interacciones. Adicionalmente, se indican las capacidades que deben tener las Plataformas Bancarias para permitir el desarrollo y crecimiento de las Instituciones Financieras.

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Café con Bantotal

Abril 17, 2024

El 16 de abril realizamos el Café con Bantotal en Paraguay, evento que tiene lugar todos los años en diferentes países de América Latina, en donde compartimos con los clientes nuestra visión y estrategia.  En esta oportunidad el punto de encuentro fue el Hotel Sheraton de Asunción y contamos con la presencia de Instituciones Financieras que lideran el mercado de Paraguay. Pablo López, CEO de Bantotal, compartió aspectos relevantes de la estrategia organizacional, y Fernando Panizza, CTO de Bantotal y Antonio de los Campos, Gerente de Planificación Estratégica de Bantotal, presentaron la Visión de la Plataforma y el Roadmap de Producto para el 2024.

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Northelis signed an agreement to integrate its professional services into Bantotal Store

Diciembre 26, 2023

Bantotal and Northelis announce their agreement to integrate the professional services of Organizational Development Consulting into the Bantotal Store. This strategic partnership allows Bantotal’s clients to access Northelis’ specialized Organizational Development Consulting services. In an increasingly challenging world, Northelis works alongside leaders and their teams to overcome organizational challenges and move forward confidently and optimistically in fundamental transformations. The services offer activities for training and developing leaders and teams to empower the entire organization. With this integration, financial institutions will obtain specialized advice to optimize critical aspects such as trust and alignment of teams and their leaders, a mindset of constant improvement, innovative problem solving to move forward cohesively, commitment and collective responsibility assigned, and the focus on results Valeria Bogadjian, Founder and Director of Northelis, expressed her enthusiasm: “This agreement with Bantotal is of great value to us, as it allows us to offer high-quality Organizational Development Consulting services, providing comprehensive solutions and significant added value.”   Northelis We are dedicated to strengthening organizations through the power of team cohesion and consolidation as the foundation for sustainable growth. We offer services in Organizational Development Consulting and conduct Corporate Training Activities to assist companies, their leaders, and employees in facing the most challenging issues and achieving transformative results with confidence and optimism.  

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We participated in the GeneXus Meeting

Diciembre 5, 2023

We were present at GX30, one of the most important innovation and technology events in Latin America. We invite you to relive the talks given by our colleagues Carolina Delgado, Fernando Panizza and Marcos Begerez. Banking Software Diploma in Colombia: Carolina Delgado Banco Mundo Mujer, Bantotal, GeneXus and Corporación Universitaria Autónoma del Cauca join forces to generate opportunities in the region of Popayán, Colombia. This talk tells the experience of the synergy between clients, technology providers and formal education, for the generation of applied knowledge and new talents. This is a Diploma in Software Solutions Development for Banking that already has more than one generation of students graduated, and several of them are working!   How does IA redesign the product? – Fernando Panizza and Marcos Begerez We discussed how AI is transforming the way we conceive, develop and improve products, bringing new perspectives and opportunities. Answering three big questions: How are we approaching the topic at Bantotal? What are we doing? What will we do?   Empowering testers and analysts with GenAI and LLMs: co-pilot case for Bantotal: Marcos Begerez with Matías Reina (Abstracta) The talk is about how the creation of Generative Artificial Intelligence co-pilots can expand human capabilities. We present a case study: our experience developing a co-pilot for Bantotal, a leading core bank, that aims to improve observability for analysts and testers, and facilitate continuous adaptation to the changing needs of users. We will reveal learnings and results from an R&D project supported by Bantotal and Microsoft’s AI CoInnovation Lab. In addition, we will explore how SGeneXus Enterprise AI can streamline the implementation of systems based on Deep Learning Language Models (LLM).  

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SGB signs agreement with Bantotal to integrate its products into Bantotal Store

Noviembre 21, 2023

Bantotal announces the signing of an agreement with SGB. This company provides IT solutions for managing and administrating legal notices and notifications from Central Banks, Courts, and Regulatory Bodies, integrating its e-officious product into the Bantotal Store. Bantotal clients can manage all the notifications and legal notices they receive daily, systematizing this operation. Thanks to the integration with Bantotal, it is possible to easily detect officious clients involved in such notifications, make debits and credits, and consult by-products, balances, and movements, among other operations. Marcos Buznick, President and CEO of SGB: “We are very excited to include our solutions in BStore. Many Bantotal clients have already adopted this tool, and this agreement allows us to enhance the integration with Bantotal further, offering a product that covers all the sector’s needs”. For further information about SGB and other solutions available at Bantotal Store, visit:   SGB SGB Information Services specializes in providing IT solutions for the administration of corporate legal offices in Banks, Fintech, Virtual Wallets and Companies, using the latest technology. It automates legal processes originated by courts, tax authorities, central banks and other participants. More than 500 implementations in more than 70 entities endorse its trajectory.

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IBS intelligence recognition

Junio 20, 2023

(Español) Bantotal fue reconocido, por la prestigiosa firma de investigación y consultoría en tecnología financiera IBS (International banking Systems), como líder para la región de América Latina.

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Join the Bantotal Meetup 2023

Junio 8, 2023

(Español) El 4 y 5 de octubre en Bogotá, Colombia, se realizará el Bantotal Meetup 2023. Un evento que reunirá a la comunidad latinoamericana de clientes y socios de la plataforma bancaria Bantotal. El mismo tiene lugar en un contexto donde la tecnología está impulsando una intensa digitalización de los procesos de las Instituciones Financieras y donde aparecieron actores que generan cambios en la dinámica del mercado.

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Meet our logo

Junio 6, 2023

(Español) La banca se transforma continuamente y nuestra plataforma la acompaña, facilitando la adaptación evolutiva que llevan adelante las Instituciones Financieras.

Por eso pensamos que nuestro Logo también debería evolucionar, manteniendo el carácter que nos identifica.

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ACTICO signs agreement with Bantotal to integrate its solutions into Bantotal Store

Abril 9, 2023

(Español) Bantotal anuncia la firma del acuerdo con ACTICO, organización líder en software para la automatización inteligente y la toma de decisiones digitales, integrando su plataforma y las soluciones Credit Risk Management, Credit Decisioning y Compliance & Financial Crime Management a Bantotal Store. Esto permitirá a los clientes de Bantotal, entre otros, ganar en agilidad y aumentar los ingresos, reducir el tiempo de comercialización y los costes, y tener operaciones optimizadas de forma continua.

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Meawallet signed an agreement with Bantotal to integrate payment tokenization platform to Bantotal Store

Febrero 28, 2023

(Español) Bantotal anuncia la firma del acuerdo con Meawallet, empresa que provee soluciones de pago digitales para bancos y comerciantes, integrando su plataforma de tokenización de pagos a Bantotal Store. Esto le permitirá, a las instituciones financieras, facilitar la forma en que sus clientes realizan pago con tarjeta presente, brindarles mayor seguridad, bajar costos y acelerar procesos, mediante la emisión de tarjetas digitales.

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